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Go Ape Bracknell

Berkshire, Go Ape Bracknell, The Look Out, Nine Mile Ride Show map
Minimum number of guests

Maximum Guests: 250

  • Overview
  • Layout & Spaces
  • Pricing
  • Menus & Brochures
  • Amenities
  • Location

There’s lots of fun to be had at Go Ape Bracknell at Swinley Forest. With five adventures to choose between – Treetop Challenge, Treetop Adventure and Treetop Adventure Plus as well as Forest Segway and Axe Throwing. Go Ape have got all views of the forest covered from ground level to tree level. Climb your way around Swinley Forest on the Challenge course & be prepared for 2-3 hours of tree-to-tree obstacles designed to get the adrenaline pumping and the heart thumping. Children can take their first steps into the canopy on our Treetop Adventure course complete with a Treetop Adventure Plus extension for older children to really test their limits. Prefer your fun on the forest floor? Book a Forest Segway or axe throwing experience for a unique hour spent cruising through the trees, or flinging axes at the bull’s-eye. There’s nothing quite like it.

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